Hi there 馃憢

I’m Luca Rillosi, a freelance software engineer experienced in Linux server admin and DevOps. I deploy reliable servers, automate software pipelines, and build scalable web apps. My Linux expertise ensures high system availability and security. This is my tiny piece of the internet where I share experiences and give knowledge back to the community.

Creating a Backup Pipeline using Autorestic, AWS S3 and Sentry for Alerts

In today鈥檚 world, it is more important than ever to have a reliable backup plan for your business data. Ensuring that your data is safe and secure in the event of any mishap is key to maintaining business continuity. Luckily, the process of backing up your data can be simplified by using automated tools such as Autorestic. In this post, I will guide you step-by-step through the process of setting up a backup pipeline using Autorestic, AWS S3, and Sentry for alerts....

February 25, 2023 路 6 min 路 Luca

React best practices: The Compound component design pattern

Introduction If you鈥檙e a React developer, you know that creating reusable, maintainable components is essential to building mantainable web applications. If you find yourself copying and pasting logic, or using prop-drilling (the process of passing props from a parent component down to its children, and then down to its grandchildren and so on, in order to share data and functionality across multiple components), then maybe learning common ReactJS patterns may help you improve your codebase....

February 4, 2023 路 4 min 路 Luca

Integrate ReactJS into your existing Ruby on Rails project by plugging Webpacker into the Rails asset pipeline

Intro So, you decided to integrate react into your existing rails app. Perhaps jQuery is starting to feel a bit limited for your needs, or maybe you just want to sprinkle a bit of interactivity here and there in your app. Well that鈥檚 great, you鈥檝e come to the right place! Before diving right into the practical stuff, we need to get a general understanding how Ruby on Rails serves assets (things like JavaScript, Css and such) will help in solving every strange problem that will pop up along the way....

January 15, 2023 路 5 min 路 Luca